What Every Parent Should Know About Swimming Pool Accidents

Posted on: 22 April 2020
It's almost summer, and that means that many people will be heading to pools. Perhaps you always swim at a friend's house, or maybe you go to a community pool in your neighborhood. Regardless of where you go, it is crucial that you understand the safety issues surrounding pools as well as what to do if somebody in your family is involved in a swimming pool accident. What Injuries Can Happen Near a Swimming Pool?
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When Do Security Laws, Equity, And Venture Funding Overlap?

Posted on: 17 March 2020
One of the trickiest things to navigate in business is figuring out whether and when securities laws apply to your particular situation. For example, when do you need a venture capital (VC) attorney to address SEC compliance issues? Private equity can be a great source of funding, especially as a company transitions from being a scrappy startup to becoming a fully securitized enterprise. It's important, however, to know when compliance should be on your radar.
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A Guide To Getting Your Non-Profit Off The Ground

Posted on: 11 February 2020
According to studies, the non-profit sector accounted for nearly $1 trillion to the United States economy in recent years. While a number of non-profit organizations have been wildly successful, there have been plenty to fail or fall by the wayside. When you are trying to get your organization off the ground, it is imperative that you take time out to handle every foundational piece of the puzzle.  The sooner you take the time to arrange your non-profit in a way that works, the more solid the organization will be for the long haul.
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Does Location Matter For A Workers' Compensation Claim?

Posted on: 30 December 2019
If you have suffered an injury on the job, workers' compensation should cover your medical care, recovery, and, if necessary, loss of income. While this is the theory, reality can often be more complicated. Although many claims are carried out without any complications, it is not uncommon for injured employees to find that their employer or their employer's insurance company is attempting to deny or limit a claim. A common justification for these denials is the location where the injury occurred.
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